Petal Cha


Exploring the Art of Chinese Floral Design

The Origins and Evolution of Chinese Floral Art


Chinese Floral Art Introduction

The Origins of Chinese Floral Art

Historical Chinese Floral Art

The origins of Chinese floral art trace back over 1,500 years to the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties, during which flowers were offered as part of Buddhist rituals. It is one of China's significant classical arts. At the time, floral arrangements were used for festive celebrations and religious offerings. Floral art could be seen in palace settings and on the desks of scholars. Its popularity grew from the royal courts to religious spaces and then to the general populace. People even established Flower Festival Day on the 15th day of the second lunar month to celebrate the "birthday of all flowers," making it the second most important festival of the time.

By the Tang and Song Dynasties, this art form, along with incense burning, tea brewing, and calligraphy, was regarded as one of the "Four Arts of Life." It became a fundamental and widespread skill of daily life. Unfortunately, by the late Qing Dynasty and early Republican era, due to wars and hardships, the art of floral arrangement gradually declined, becoming almost entirely unfamiliar to the general public.

Revival of Chinese Floral Art

In 1983, during a Japanese Ikebana workshop hosted by the Chinese Women's Orchid Association in Taiwan, participants were astonished when the instructor revealed that Japanese Ikebana had its roots in Chinese floral art. This revelation inspired a group of enthusiasts, led by Professor Huang Yongchuan, to research and revive the rich history of Chinese floral art. In 1984, they held the first Chinese Classical Floral Art Exhibition at Taiwan's National Museum of History, marking the first such exhibition since the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Driven by a sense of cultural responsibility, Professor Huang Yongchuan established the Chinese Floral Art Cultural and Educational Foundation in 1986. With a group of dedicated teachers, he developed a structured theoretical and technical system for teaching Chinese floral art, thus laying the foundation for its revival.

The Chinese Floral Art Education System

The cultivation of a floral artist, much like the blooming of a flower, requires time. The learning process is divided into levels:

  • Lectures
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Research Levels 1, 2, and 3
  • Senior Research

The entire training process takes about seven years. To become a certified Chinese floral art instructor, students must pass an examination after completing the advanced course and then undertake teacher training courses in the research class.

Characteristics of Chinese Floral Arrangements

Chinese floral art is an art of spatial positioning. The arrangement's orientation and proportions are based on principles derived from the Hetu and Luoshu diagrams (ancient Chinese cosmological charts). Floral vessels are categorized into six types: vases, plates, jars, bowls, tubes, and baskets.

Based on the creator's intent and subject matter, Chinese floral arrangements can be divided into four types:

  • Scenic Flowers - Depicting landscapes
  • Conceptual Flowers - Conveying ideas
  • Imaginary Flowers - Expressing emotions or abstract thoughts
  • Sculptural Flowers - Focusing on form and structure

The framework of an arrangement is built around three main branches:

  • Main Branch (the flower's leader)
  • Guest Branch (the flower's companion)
  • Supporting Branch (the flower's mission)

Modern Chinese Floral Art








Chinese Floral Arrangement Techniques